Grotesque monsters known as Impurities reside in Magano, a realm parallel to the present day. Exorcists purify these evil apparitions to protect the people. Rokuro Enmado is opposed to becoming an exorcist, even though he has the talent to be one, but an oracle gives him the title of "Twin Star Exorcist," the name bestowed upon married exorcists. Benio Adashino, the girl who receives the title along with Rokuro, is determined to exorcise all the Kegare, or Impurities, in the world. The two find themselves wrapped up in more and more battles together as the Twin Star Exorcists. 热血新人监督——田口智久谈《双星之阴阳师》。逻辑挺混乱的一部片。 自有人类以来,“污秽”就不断的现身骚扰着人世间的安稳和宁静,为了对抗污秽,一群名为“阴阳师”的人们勇敢的站了出来,加入到了战斗之中,用他们的智慧和勇气守护着人类。少年焰魔堂辘轳(花江夏树 配音)立志要成为史上最强阴阳师,却因为一场悲剧的发生而意识到灾难的不可逆转,遂放弃了理想,沦为路人。 某日,一位名叫化野红绪(潘惠美 配音)的京都少女出现在了辘轳的身边,两人在误打误撞之中开始了同居生活。红绪铲除污秽的决心渐渐感化了辘轳,让他再度看到了希望,燃起了热血。与此同时,辘轳发现,红绪的哥哥石镜悠斗(村濑步 配音)和当年令自己失去一切的灾难有着千丝万缕的关联。