In the epic finale to The Maze Runner Saga, Thomas leads his group of escaped Gladers on their final and most dangerous mission yet. To save their friends, they must break into the legendary last city, a WCKD controlled labyrinth that may turn out to be the deadliest maze of all. Anyone who makes it out alive will get the answers to the questions the Gladers have been asking since they first arrived in the maze. Will Thomas and the crew make it out alive? Or will Ava Paige get her way? 《移动迷宫3》:所谓的反乌托邦其实就是美国爽文。导演的脑回路就是个迷宫,走进去就出不来了。只为纪念我的newt。剧透吐槽千里救minho之再见了我的Newt。你对《移动迷宫》系列探讨的主旨“救朋友还是救世界”有何看法?。难道该死的都是好人?。兄弟情深的基情跑男,当然要烧死异性恋!。对着天空大吼一声:“我是主角!”。你对《移动迷宫》系列探讨的主旨“救朋友还是救世界”有何看法?。简明的评分,标题的误导,它叫《死亡解药》。 托马斯(迪伦·奥布莱恩饰)率领的林间斗士在经历了迷宫逃脱和末日丧尸的生死考验后,终于迎来最后的正邪较量。由托马斯、纽特(托马斯·桑斯特饰)等人领军的营救团队,耗时三年筹划营救被抓走的米诺,却意外地发现米诺不在劫获的那截火车上。经调查得知,米诺深陷在WCKD组织的控制之中,托马斯和纽特毅然决定起身前往被称为“最后之都”的人类最后净土,更不惜利用背叛林间斗士投身WCKD的特蕾莎(卡雅·斯考达里奥饰)闯入WCKD,营救米诺和其他人。