Frank is an expert professional safecracker, specializing in high-profile diamond jobs. After having spent many years in prison, he has a very concrete picture of what he wants out of life--including a nice home, a wife, and kids. As soon as he is able to assemble the pieces of this collage, by means of his chosen profession, he intends to retire and become a model citizen. In an effort to accelerate this process, he signs on to take down a huge score for a big-time gangster. Unfortunately, Frank's obsession for his version of the American Dream allows him to overlook his natural wariness and mistrust, when making the deal for his final job. He is thus ensnared and robbed of his freedom, his independence, and, ultimately, his dream. 颇有几分日后《盗火线》的影子。heat的实验版加前传嘛。暧昧的小偷。 弗兰克是一个纵横加州的钻石大盗,他和好哥们飞檐走壁无往不利,黑道看上了他的才能,希望合作,警察穷追不舍,时时催逼;渴望当母亲的女友,和他收养一个小孩;做完最后一单钻石盗窃案后,他决定金盆洗手,去和女友一起度过简单的人生。但是警察和黑帮把他逼上绝境,残杀了伙伴,绑架了女友和孩子,他决定破釜沉舟,奋起一击。本片为动作片导演迈克尔·曼的导演处女作,摄影,灯光,剪辑,配乐,都很出彩,垫底了导演日后的风格。