REVENGE FOR JOLLY! follows a man (Petsos) who, with the help of his cousin (Oscar Isaac), seeks to avenge the death of his beloved dog, who was killed under confusing and suspicious circumstances. The two men follow a series of clues in an attempt to track down the dog's murderer, leaving a path of destruction in their wake. 一天哈里宿醉回到家后发现一直陪伴他的心爱狗狗朱莉被杀害了。哈里痛不欲生立誓不惜一切代价追凶为狗报仇。在全副武装后,他和好基友一起走了上疯狂的复仇之旅,他们先后去了公路酒吧、民宅“拷问”,甚至大闹婚礼现场,酒吧老板伊利亚·伍德被这对好基友一枪崩了,克里斯汀·韦格好不容易从“伴娘”升级为“新娘”,美好的婚礼也被两人给闹了,但经历过伴娘战役的克里斯汀·韦格可不是好惹的,瞬间粗鲁附体,对奥斯卡口沫相向……这漫长的公路之旅的最后他们是否复仇成功已经不再重要,对观众来说,看他们一路留下了血腥的破坏才是趣味所在。