Teddy is a super smart stuffed toy living in a happy life with his human friends and other robot toys. However, the good time is threatened by a wicked doctor who wants to monopolize children's childhood by using his new invented high-tech VR toys. Teddy and his toy friends are in danger. He and his mecha toy friend Linus are forced to embark on a journey to saving the toy world. 作死。《汽车人总动员》并不孤单。这是一部成功的圈钱片,。泰迪的传承。童年的味道。能上映,你们已经成功了,成功获得我们我们被qj的补贴……。我晕,这种垃圾玩意能在全国电影院上映。什么破电影。无良导演,傻逼编辑。。已经没什么可以评价的了。 邪恶的巫博士(白文显 配音)为了让自己发明的高科技VR玩具垄断所有孩子的童年,制定了毁灭所有传统毛绒和机甲玩具的阴谋。呆萌腼腆的泰迪熊(邓小婷 配音)本不想参与此事,但在机甲战士小飞(白文显 配音)的强拉硬扯下误入了冒险之旅,最后拯救了玩具世界。