James Keziah Delaney returns to 1814 London after 10 years in Africa to discover that he has been left a mysterious legacy by his father. Driven to wage war on those who have wronged him, Delaney finds himself in a face-off against the East India Company, whilst playing a dangerous game between two warring nations, Britain and America. 终局,只是另一段人生的开端(……)。扒一扒第一二集出现的卡司。第二集几点吐槽。内核是大男主杰克苏黄暴复仇爽剧。不管是为了什么,要的就是荷尔蒙。代入感很强,但不适合我(希望之后能被打脸)。剧荒时可以看。从这部剧开始追汤老师。英剧《禁忌/Taboo》里臭名昭著的东印度公司是什么来头。依旧妥妥的黄暴。