Park Ja-gi is a teacher on a high school in Seoul whose mother is a shaman. Though he refuses every superstition, he can foresee catastrophes in his dreams. One night Ja-gi dreams about many people who are jumping from the top of the school building. Shocked by his dream, Ja-gi tries to prevent the mass suicide and searches for help. He meets Jang Se-yun who can look 10 minutes into the future and Kang Min-hyok who is able to rewind the time about 10 seconds. But Kang still suffers, because he could not save his wide and child. 这是大脑洞姜草的载满温情漫画《追逐时间》的超长预告片。补充一些被删掉的漫画情节(剧透慎入)。剧情显然走的的韩系路线,但是几条线路过于纠结缠绕。。奇特的韩语日式动漫+前半段剧情精彩。 有人能让时间暂停,但是在这个静止的空间里他就会变成孤身一人;有人能看到十分钟后发生的事情,却因无人相信自己的话只能眼睁睁地看着惨剧发生;有人能逆转十秒的时间,为了救出死去的妻子和孩子他逆转了无数个十秒,反复目击无数次妻儿死去的一刹那,他精神崩溃了;有人能在梦中预知不久之后的未来,然而却不敢跟周围任何人提起。 这里的每个人都有调控短暂时间的特殊能力,他们都有属于自己的伤痛。然而,当这些人聚集在一起时却是一个惊心动魄的故事!