Jaime, a young and attractive male prostitute, arrives to a hotel room to earn what he believes will be easy money. But to his surprise the client has a different deal in mind... Soon, the situation will take a turn to the unexpected. 刚入行的年轻英俊男妓杰米(马里奥·卡萨斯 Mario Casas 饰)去一家偏远的宾馆接客,一开始他以为这位匿名客人有奇怪的性癖好,然而对方给出的指示越来越让他摸不着头脑。此时另一个杰米(Christian Mulas 饰)造访,原来他才是客人真正等的人,而他的职业是杀手。当男妓杰米无意得知了杀手杰米和主顾的全盘犯罪计划后,他成为了首当其冲被除掉的目标...... 性感而巧妙的悬念短片,最大限度调动了观众的好奇,由西班牙国民帅哥马里奥·卡萨斯主演,在ABC电视台播出后获得热烈反响。