The war veteran, Ty Hackett, is hired to work as security guard by the Eagle Shield Security where his old friend Mike Cochroone works. Ty is having financial difficulties after the death of his father, and is raising his brother Jimmy alone. He teams up with Mike's brother-in-law, Baines, and their coworkers Quinn, Palmer and Dobbs. One night, Mike invites Ty to join in the robbery of two armored trucks transporting forty-two million dollars. The reluctant Ty accepts after Mike promises that nobody would be hurt in the heist. ▲愿所有受伤的心得到安慰▲。哥,咱是来打劫的,不是来见义勇为的。你........想咋样?。诠释猪一样的队友的最佳影片。给天朝人民上素质课的大烂片。换着思路看着玩~。战争遗留症&现实社会潜规则的碰撞之作。钱没烧完,还是钱;好片被误,等平反!。糙老爷们的心灵鸡汤。一点小感想,轻拍。