Jack Burden is a newspaper reporter who first hears of Willie Stark when his editor sends him to Kanoma County to cover the man. What's special about this nobody running for county treasurer? He's supposedly an honest man. Burden discovers this to be true when he sees Stark delivering a speech and having his son pass out handbills, while the local politicians do their best to intimidate him. Willie Stark is honest and brave. He's also a know-nothing hick whose schoolteacher wife has given him what little education he has. Stark loses the race for treasurer, but later makes his way through law school, becoming an idealistic attorney who fights for what is good. Someone in the governor's employ remembers Stark when the governor needs a patsy to run against him and split the vote of his rival. The fat cats underestimate Stark; but Jack Burden, Stark's biggest supporter, overestimates the man's idealism. To get where he wants to go, Willie Stark is willing to crack a few eggs - which include his tough-talking assistant, Sadie Burke; Jack's poised and elegant fiancée, Anne Stanton; and even Jack Burden himself. 这片,到底是在讲什么?。伟大的小说可以变成伟大的电影。光明之行。当代奸雄——这就是美国社会。《当代奸雄》:到底意欲何为?。嘲笑独裁?可笑的美国。看看现在的臭公知!。[Film Review] All the King’s Men (1949) 7.5/10。政治背后的善与恶。我和你想象的样子中不同。 改编自劳勃潘华伦的普立兹奖小说《国王的手下》,曾荣获第二十二届奥斯卡金像奖最佳影片,男主角布罗德里克.克劳福德及女星马塞蒂斯.麦坎布里奇分获奥斯卡影帝及女配角奖。剧情描述充满正义感的新闻记者杰克波顿去采访肯诺马郡竞选郡出纳局长的威利史塔克,史塔克是一个力求上进,充满爱心的人,但是他失败了。后来他又经过两次参选当上了州长。然而当上州长的史塔克开始滥权舞弊,引发议会对他的弹劾,无法无天的史塔克却发动群众示威,并获得胜利。民主、自由、法律已无法制服的情况下,被他陷害的对手的儿子以暴制暴,在议会外开枪结束了他的生命。本片是奥斯卡历史上第一部夺得大奖的政治电影。大胆剖析美国政客政治形式,更毫不客气的指出群众盲目拥护是造成政客滥权舞弊的主要原因。