Ajay Mehra (from previous Ghayal-1990), after finishing off his life sentence, starts a newspaper called Satyakam. Still dealing with the haunting trauma of losing his loved ones, Ajay manages to make a credible name for himself in investigative journalism. Working with a strange team of RTI activists, ex-criminals and ilk; and even stranger ways of unearthing and presenting truth, Ajay Mehra has earned quite a fan following among the youths, who finds his fearless and unforgiving approach in dealing with all kinds of sociopaths very inspiring. Among his die hard fans are these four teenagers who happened to have received bravery medals from him once. These four friends once out on photography expedition, accidentally record a murder on a camera. The footage turns out to be explosive as it clearly shows two of the city's most powerful people involved in the murder. Well what happens after this is a series of twists and turns where the four kids get entangled and have to fight it out with the most powerful men of the city, will Ajay be able to save them? Will the kids be successful in their mission to stand by the truth only time will tell. 《铁窗怒火之终极对决》:孤胆英雄之异想天开。 Ajay Mehra(从以前的ghayal-1990),完成了他的终身监禁后,开始有报纸称satyakam。还应对困扰的创伤失去他的亲人,阿杰设法调查新闻为自己做出可信的名字。一个奇怪的团队RTI活动家,前罪犯和同类;和发掘和呈现真相,甚至陌生人的方式,Ajay Mehra赚了不少粉丝之间的年轻人,他发现他的无畏和无情的方式处理各种反社会非常鼓舞人心。在他的铁杆球迷中,这四个年轻人曾在他身上获得过勇敢勋章。这四个朋友一次在摄影上探险,意外地记录了一个关于相机的谋杀案。这片段的结果是爆炸性的,因为它清楚地显示了这两个城市中最有权势的人参与了这项谋杀案。好了,这是一系列的转折和转折,这四个孩子得到纠缠,并要打出来,发生了什么事…