[American version.] Emmanuelle has a streak of bad luck that starts when she is stripped by a mob of adoring fans at the Cannes Film Festival. Her rotten luck continues when the dictator of a banana republic uses the screening of one of her films as a pretext to get her into his country. Our heroine finds herself admitted into his harem as a slave. [Roger Corman fans may be able to identify stock action footage used in the American version.] 法国艳星艾曼妞激情动人,豪迈奔放,吸引不少男人的注目。她为达到性经验的认识,不断寻求冒险。应王子的邀请去巴基斯坦旅游,后被王子迫为妾。当她得知自己是受害者时,决定冒死逃出苦海,在友人协助下,最后成功逃出黑窝……