A middle-aged Hong Kong man is married to two domineering and stubborn women, but nonetheless, treats them as his queens. When he was told that he cannot immigrate to the United States with two wives, he seeks the help of his U.S. Citizen doctor friend by asking him to marry one of his wives and divorce her later when they all reach the states. Meanwhile, the doctor is trying to court his much-younger girlfriend, and does not realize that the nurse at his clinic has a crush on him. 这居然是姜大伟拍的。随便看看吧。电影中暗喻。我与你永共聚,分分钟需要你。 二世祖董骠移民,但移民局拒绝申请妻妾同住,向吴耀汉求助也遭拒绝,吴有一女友何美婷,两人交往已久唯吴不作结婚打算。护士郑裕玲追随吴八年有余,一直暗恋吴愿为他任劳任怨。一日何旧男友从美国返港,向何求婚,吴遇劲敌立即向何提出结婚,另一方面又要董与郑上演奸夫淫妇闹剧,令何相信他的求婚是真诚的,结果闹出笑话连篇……