Aboard a ship early in the 20th-century, a middle-aged Italian tells his story of love to a Russian. In a series of flashbacks filmed almost entirely in creams, whites, and ochers, the clownish and superfluous Romano Patroni leaves his wife's opulent home to visit a spa where he falls in love with a Russian woman whose marriage is a horror. He pursues her into the Russian heartland and returns to Italy resolved to leave his wife and marry his love. His amazed and appreciative Russian listener then narrates a shorter story. 《黑眼睛》:你的黑眼睛总出现在我的梦里。FIFF7 | DAY5《黑眼睛》文学刻画中的爱情悲剧。 故事发生在十九世纪末,开往俄国的游轮上,意大利男子罗马诺(马塞洛·马斯楚安尼 Marcello Mastroianni 饰)结识了俄罗斯游客皮托布格(帕维尔·卡道奇尼科夫 Pavel Kadochnikov 饰),两人相谈甚欢。罗马诺开始向对方诉说自己前往俄国的理由。 原来,罗马诺的妻子艾丽莎(肖瓦娜·曼加诺 Silvana Mangano 饰)是衔着金汤匙出生的千金大小姐,性格自然桀骜跋扈些,这好强的性格让罗马诺在婚姻里受了很多的气,可以这么说,虽然他过着衣食无忧的生活,但是却并不觉得快乐。为了排遣心中的郁闷,他前往俄国旅游,邂逅了名为安娜(叶连娜·萨福诺娃 Yelena Safonova 饰)的俄国女子,他们坠入了情网之中。