After a nuclear holocaust tears the world apart, mankind is forced to the harshness of not only the oppression of others who are much more powerful, but the dead earth which seems to be getting worse with every passing moment. But a savior has risen from the ashes, a man who will defeat those who would torment the weak and make the world a livable place once more. A man named Kenshiro..... 一拳爆头或是一击必杀,仍很受用。 公元199X年,人类世界的最高首领因一己私欲发动战争,甚至愚蠢地按下毁灭世界的按钮。世界遭受核武器洗礼,山崩地裂,海水枯竭。部分人类虽侥幸存活,然地球上资源短缺,使得血腥纷争仍在继续。 世间传说“有北斗出现的地方,必现乱事”。身上有七处伤疤、北斗密宗神拳继承者健四郎孤独行走在干涸的大地上,寻找心爱的女人尤丽娅。一路上艰难险阻不断,各路强手如云,健四郎在宿命的引领下一次次穿越充斥血雨腥风的生死屠场…… 根据武论尊、原哲夫的同名漫画改编。