In the 1930s, the feeble-minded Sven's mother dies and he is hired as a farm-hand at the rich, affluent Höglund's farm. He has to work without pay and sleeps together with the cows. He meets the disabled Anna who is the first one to treat him as an adult. One day he has had enough of Höglund's maltreatment and moves in with Anna's family. 来世,让我为你摘野草莓。并非因为头脑简单。某国没有这样的傻子。 该片形成了一种无产者与资本家阶级对立的现实主义题材,以及神的力量奖善惩恶的寓言混合体。此片有两个主要特点,第一是怀旧情绪。以30年代瑞典为背景,经济大萧条所的情绪来建构影片的基调。第二是政治色彩。几十年来人的愚昧,麻木和逃避为一种强权的产生汇集了能量,这种能量散发的结果就是对人长期拥有的自由平等的权利进行疯狂的扼杀。这部影片在最后引入了宗教对人类的拯救,寓意十足,耐人寻味。