雍正大破十八銅人/Return of the Eighteen Bronzemen / The 18 Bronzemen - Part 2 / Emperor Yung Chin Defeated the Bronze Men / Yung Chin Defeated the Bronze People / Yung Ching Defeated the 18 Bronzemen / 少林寺十八铜人第二部 / 雍正大破铜人阵
Despite the national resistance, the Manchurians have taken over China, but the Ching Emperor fears that the Shaolin Temple disciples would overthrow the dynasty. So he disguises himself as a disciple, in order to become a kung fu master and control the Shaolin monks. But according to custom, he must pass the test of the legendary 18 Bronzemen before he can leave the Temple... 清雍正私改诏书,谋夺帝位.传少林寺密谋造反,遂乔装平民,亲身潜伏少林寺,苦练少林上乘武功,图闯出通天门.然少林寺十八铜人阵攻守森严,武功变幻莫测,以雍正武功,能否闯关成功?而他习得一身少林武学,又会否贻害武林