Handsome, romantic, sexy gentile Charlie enjoys his honeymoon with liberal-Jewish marriage counselor Ava. It's cut short when her parents Bradley and Betty, who always seemed the perfect couple, suddenly border on divorce over an old affair and poorly matched expectations. Worse, in turn they invite themselves to move in and drive the newly-weds crazy. Ethics prevent Ava from taking them on as clients and the colleagues she refers to prove hopelessly inept. Meanwhile Charlie's impulsive buddy Gerber, the eternal bachelor party animal, has married Polish green-card-chaser Kasia. 【爱情、婚礼和婚姻】。只要努努力,婚姻还是充满希望的!毕竟,他(她)是和你共同生活的那个人!!。Love in emergency。困境中的爱才坚强。 艾娃(曼迪·摩尔 Mandy Moore 饰)美貌与智慧并存,拥有一份收入不菲的工作和一个温暖的家,她的丈夫查理(凯南·鲁兹 Kellan Lutz 饰)对艾娃千依百顺呵护有加,在同事和朋友的眼中,艾娃简直就是人生赢家的楷模,堪称典范。 然而,令艾娃没有想到的是,某日,她的父母竟然宣称他们将要离婚,要知道,在艾娃的记忆里,自己的父母一直都是恩爱有加的天作之合。艾娃是一名情感顾问,可是很快她便发现,自己娴熟的业务和丰富的经验却连自己最亲近的人都无法帮助,这让艾娃不禁陷入了深深的思考之中。与此同时,艾娃和查理之间的感情亦遭遇了瓶颈,这对于这对新婚不久的夫妻来说是前所未有的考验。