Filmmakers (and brothers) Albert and David Maysles follow four employees of a company that makes expensive, ornate, illustrated bibles as they attempt to sell the items door-to-door to less-than-interested customers, who are mainly poor or lower-middle-class Catholics with little money to spend on pretty Bibles. 上帝恨我们。。。。小人物一说梦想,上帝就发笑,像推销员一样辛苦维持生计的,才依旧是大多数啊。终极的反美电影。Maysles Brother's 人间一绝。please open the door !。-。西服礼帽真好看。天将降大任于斯人。 本片追踪四个“美中圣经公司”的销售代表在波士顿与佛罗里达销售区域工作的情形。保罗是本片的焦点,他挣扎于生存的两难境地,却一直充满乐观,运用各种或哄或骗的技巧来推销《圣经》。