Veteran bounty-hunter Morg Hickman rides into a town in danger. The sheriff has been killed, and young inexperienced Ben Owens named a temporary replacement until a permanent can be found. Ben wants to be that permanent replacement, so needs to impress the townspeople with his skill. When he finds that Morg was a sheriff for a long time before he became a bounty-hunter, he asks the older man to teach him. Morg thinks that being a sheriff is a foolish goal, but agrees to instruct Ben in handling people, more important to a sheriff than handling a gun. 每个女孩儿的心里都有一个英雄。 一个佩带勋章的还不久的新手警长帕金斯,除非他得到帮助,否则勋章也不会再佩带多长时间。方达以其坦率和豪放在这部西部电影中赢得赞美,他扮演一个老谋深算,为悬赏而追捕逃犯的人,而帕金斯以此作为行动的准则,随着时间的推移,他也接纳了方达。