It's 1901. At 19, tough, stubborn Christopher Leiningen came to South America and built levees to claim thousands of acres of Rio Negro river land for a chocolate plantation. Now 34, with no knowledge of women, he recruits a mail-order bride in New Orleans. She's beautiful, independent, and arrives ready to be his stalwart helpmate; however, no one has told him she's a widow. He rejects her. During the next week, as she awaits the boat to take her back to the US, they learn that legions of army ants will strike in a few days' time. She joins the fight to save the plantation; their courage and his probable loss of all he's worked for may crack his resolve to send her away. 上流社会美女乔安娜通过应征至南美丛林中与克里斯朵夫成婚,克里斯朵夫却因乔安娜为寡妇而无法接纳,冷嘲热讽并请她回国。此时却碰上南美丛林中最可怕的食肉蚂蚁,这种蚂蚁队伍所经之处连最凶猛的动物也会在一瞬间被啃成一堆白骨,所以沿途中尸骨遍野,很多人此时想弃甲逃命。克里斯朵夫决心留下来与蚂蚁雄兵作一场决斗,勇敢的乔安娜坚决与克里斯朵夫一起,以感动士著人留下来共击天敌,火攻水淹,克里斯朵夫只身闯入蚁群中炸开水坝,庄园全部淹入水中,蚂蚁虽平但家园已毁,唯一留下真爱。