Frozen in 1996, Simon Phoenix, a convicted crime lord, is revived for a parole hearing well into the 21st century. Revived into a society free from crime, Phoenix resumes his murderous rampage, and no one can stop him. John Spartan, the police officer who captured Phoenix in 1996, has also been cryogenically frozen, this time for a crime he did not commit. In 2032, the former cities of Los Angeles, San Diego and Santa Barbara have merged into peaceful, utopian San Angeles. Unable to stop him with their non-violent solutions, the police release Spartan to help recapture Phoenix. Now after 36 years, Spartan has to adapt himself to the future society he has no knowledge about. 幻想中的未来和谐社会。阿诺施瓦辛格的总统图书馆,太可爱了~~~。火星人elon musk推荐的未来电影。越空狂龙|史泰龙的2046。我是因为贝壳而来的!。未来就是崇尚科技连本我都放弃的文明?。那些儿时的童年记忆,总是格外清晰。。冰封刑。 洛杉矶的“罪恶终结者”约翰(西尔维斯特•史泰龙 Sylvester Stallone 饰)因逮捕恶贯满盈的“铁凤凰”(韦斯利•斯奈普斯 Wesley Snipes 饰)时连带了30多人丧命,被判处了几十年的冰冻刑罚,而“铁凤凰”则被判无期冰冻。几十年过去了,约翰刑满获得解冻重回人间。此时人类的生活方式已和当年大不一样,为了令他尽快适应新社会,当局安排了一位女警的帮助了约翰。约翰的脑子里被植入了含有裁缝技能的记忆芯片,很明显当局想他当一名裁缝。 然而,“铁凤凰”阴差阳错地也从冰冻中苏醒并逃出了监狱。更为可怕的是,他的脑里植入了毁灭者的记忆芯片。未来,人类已经不再使用枪、火箭炮等野蛮的武器了。“铁凤凰”在武器博物馆里搞到了一切装备后,开始大肆破坏……