Junior, a teenage gnome, dreams of inventing gizmos in his tree house laboratory. His father however, wants him to be sensible and help distribute food rations to the animals of the forest. Evil troll brothers Face and slim try to thwart Junior's efforts with a carefully plotted plan to steal the food form the gnome secret food chamber. A charming story about growing up, family and friendship! 主角是一个十几岁的少年侏儒——斯尼基,终日埋首于树屋实验室的他,希望有朝一日能够发明能飞行的小工具.斯尼基有位同学的父亲雅勒,一直希望自己儿子能跟着斯尼基,一起成为科学家。于是,两人常常窝在树屋内研究发明,偶尔也不免会对实验产生意见分歧,眼看冬天要来了,人们纷纷准备过冬,而热心的斯尼基,正协助民众分发食物,给众多即将进入冬眠的动物。可是另一边,却有桩潜藏的邪恶计画正蕴酿着…原来,奸诈好斗的巨魔兄弟,正在执行他们父亲一手策划的阴谋,目的是夺取动物们的食物,斯尼基和其同学知道这件事之后,在一只神经质的乌鸦带领下,涉险前往山谷深处巨魔兄弟的洞穴,力图夺回食物。