'Wazir' is a tale of two unlikely friends, a wheelchair-bound chess grandmaster and a brave ATS officer. Brought together by grief and a strange twist of fate, the two men decide to help each other win the biggest games of their lives. But there's a mysterious, dangerous opponent lurking in the shadows, who is all set to checkmate them. 机智不足 生硬有余——《维齐尔》观后感。生活和下棋的区别是没有第二次机会。开挂的阿三007,脑子不够使,车上坐个孩子你还去追击?。 故事围绕一位国际象棋大师和一名侦探之间的友谊,两人都失去了自己的女儿,不久之后,国际象棋大师也被谋杀,于是侦探力图找到其中真相。最后发现答案隐藏在一场生者与死者之间的未完游戏中...