The Doctor along with an Amy and Rory who are headed for divorce are kidnapped by the Daleks. They find themselves before the Dalek Parliament and the Doctor is quite surprised when he learns why: they want the him to save them. A ship has crashed on the one place they will not go - the Asylum, where mad Daleks are sent to spend their days. Once there, they are assisted by the only survivor of the crash, Oswin, who has been there for a year awaiting rescue and making soufflé's to pass the time. Which leads the Doctor to ask the most important question of all: where does she get the milk? 我撕下了最后一页书,只为对你说再见【705剧透】。被爱情摧毁的一切。【705】泪点集中营(强劲剧透)。【有小量剧透】拖延症患者赶论文赶到半夜丧心病狂的吐槽 (清醒之后再来整理……)。写在12集以前。无责任乱评【如有雷同,纯属巧合】。占楼写评论。那一场永远值得的等待------记Amy与Doctor。魔法特的软肋。很喜欢的E04里doctor的一些话。