A night guard at the morgue located in the woods was run over in the middle of the night and now he is in a coma with multiple skull injuries and fractures. What made the guard panic and leave his post? And what about the body of Mayka Villaverde missing from the morgue, according to the register? Presumably, she died of a heart attack, but who signed the death certificate, with the autopsy pending? When in forensic medicine the principle of: "every death is a homicide, until proven otherwise" exists, finding out who is behind this case shrouded in mystery, will be an arduous task... 合格产品。借刀杀人。策划这一切的警察是编剧的粉丝!。正确的复仇应该是这样,电影这么拍只是剧情需要。很高级的惊悚悬疑片《女尸谜案》。这样的复仇值得吗。结尾几分钟的惊天揭秘值得五颗星。安利向。要想抓住禽兽,则必先失身于禽兽。你信不信这个世上有因果。 西班牙的深夜,一名中年男子惊慌失措奔跑在丛林间,最终被一辆公路上飞驰的汽车撞成重伤。警方初步探查得知,此人是某停尸房警卫,他在出事前肯定见过什么恐怖景象。经过进一步调查发现,原来当晚停尸房丢了一具尸体。尸体名叫玛卡·维拉芙尔德(贝伦·鲁艾达 Belén Rueda 饰),是一位呼风唤雨的企业女强人,当天下午乘飞机从洛杉矶回来后不久即因心脏病去世。警方联系上玛卡的丈夫,此时正陪伴情人的亚历克斯(雨果·席尔瓦 Hugo Silva 饰)。他谈论妻子时的冷漠不得不让人对他们夫妻间的关系产生质疑。 伴随着诡异肃杀的气氛,真相渐渐浮出水面……