Dr. Irabu is a highly unorthodox specialist in neurology, whose technique may be to act in as forward and confrontational a manner as possible toward everyone, or it may just be that he has no clue what he's doing and is simply insane. He is currently treating two patients: a woman whose obsessive-compulsive behavior is preventing her from holding down a job, and a man unable to make his constant erection go away. A third subject, an office worker obsessed with swimming, isn't yet one of Dr. Irabu's patients, but he's well on the way. 放大的癖好。 中文简介:坐落在伊良部综合医院地下的神经科里,有一名叫做伊良部的精神科医生。来他这里看病的,有得了24小时都会勃起的怪病的公司业务员,还有身为记者的强迫症患者,他总是担心家里的煤气没关,电灯没关,门没有锁好以至于要确认无数次。但是作为医生的伊良部却是更加奇怪的人。他不仅经常把病人们耍的团团转,而且还对他们说些不负责任的话——当然其中也不乏正中要害的箴言,于是患者们依次被他玩弄(?!)...