When Morrie was a teenager, his parents died, leaving him a house, an irritable bowel, and siblings Jay and Ida to raise. Jump ahead 20 years: Jay is homeless, fits poorly into society, and was recently injured; Ida is jobless and sleeps with strangers; Morrie is married to the long-suffering Betty who is waiting for Morrie to get tenure before having children. They constantly have to kiss up to their holier-than-thou neighbors, one of whom is Morrie's department head. Morrie brings Jay home to recover, Ida decides to visit, the siblings make the neighbors ill at ease, a strange woman visits, and the cops want to talk to Jay. What about Morrie's irritated bowels? Lucky Chandler!。生活就算是一坨屎,也要拉得畅快淋漓。每个人心中,都有一只小鸟。我就喜欢这种调调。你的笑靥无瑕我放不下。最接近上帝的人。印象不太深。不完美的人生 也要试图过得美好一些。走出鸟笼,释放自己。Something I can not touch。。 莫瑞在父母死后,独自照顾妹妹艾达和弟弟杰伊,日子过的很不顺畅。他不仅要处理妹妹和弟弟不断制造出的麻烦,对于自己的生活和事业也产生怀疑,不知道这样烦躁的日子什么时候才能结束。