We have uncovered the secrets of the atom, travelled to the moon, and dominated planet Earth. But how did humans come to be so successful? This three-part series reveals the powerful anatomical changes that have given us - and our ancestors - the edge over all other life on Earth. From the way we walk, to the shape of our jaw and even the way our thumbs move, we are connected intimately to the struggles and triumphs of our ancestors. However, many of these changes have come at a surprising cost, and the problems we face now are a direct consequence of our evolutionary journey. As much about our bodies today as about our bodies 6 million years ago, Origins of Us will change the way you see yourself. 我们来自非洲草原。提要。我们为什么要看视频版的教科书?。 我们每个人的故事都可以追溯到几百万年前的非洲平原,关于我们何以成为人类,答案就埋藏在地下,在化石和人类祖先留下的其他线索中,但同时,也深深埋藏在我们的身体里,在我们的骨骼、血肉和基因里。祖先的求生斗争塑造了我们的身体,可是我们为什么把其他猿类留在了丛林里?这件事如何改变了我们的外貌,在意想不到的部位造就了强健的肌肉,并帮助我们掌握了令人惊叹的新技能?森林里的猿,如何进化成为了人?这个故事开始于几百万年前,一只能够直立行走的猿……