Just one week after Peter Bishop saved the day and was then wiped from existence, the truce between the two worlds remains intact and the two sides are forced to work together. Lincoln Lee joins the Fringe team as they investigate a shapeshifter case that is very personal to him. 小方什么时候嫁给walter。observer之谜基本上解开了。S4E12可能透露的信息推理--有关Nina等人目的、时间线问题和Observer分析。第四季 第四集。My Olivia——Peter的日记。《危机边缘》全三季(含2张OST)第四季更新中。Fringe混乱吐槽&观感碎碎念。如果你不想做一般的美剧脑残粉。peter开始不淡定了。。。。。They are from A better version of me.(剧透慎入)。