Dave and Ronnie, Jason and Cynthia, and Joey and Lucy are close. The group used to include Shane and Jennifer, but they divorced and she's gone. Jason and Cynthia announce that their marriage is in trouble, and they beg their friends (and Shane's young girlfriend) to join them on a couples' retreat, at the package rate, on a tropical island. The others reluctantly agree, planning to play while Jason and Cynthia work on their marriage with an island psychologist. To everyone's surprise, the package is inflexible: each couple must participate in the couples' exercises. Soon fault lines appear in all four relationships. What's in store for each couple? 我们就像驴子,一旦选择了这条路,就要一直走下去。。绵绵情话不过只是船到桥头景语。不会写评论的人来评论。爱人--家人。波拉波拉岛。温和轻松的喜剧小品,当风光片看。。《伴侣度假村》:问题夫妇的诊疗出游。伴侣度假村:像驴一样进坟墓。面对。胖子看电影 no.57 伴侣度假村 水平不行就不要玩多线剧情。 婚前热情如火的情侣们,婚后却未必如此。当柴米油盐取代了浓情蜜意,生活的裂缝就渐渐暴露出来:杰森(杰森·贝特曼 Jason Bateman 饰)与妻子辛西娅(克里斯汀·贝尔 Kristen Bell 饰)因为不孕症考虑离婚,乔伊(乔恩·费儒 Jon Favreau 饰)和露西也已经对对方身体没有兴趣,戴夫(文斯·沃恩 Vince Vaughn 饰)和萝尼则整日被房子和孩子的压力弄得心烦意乱。眼看曾经令人艳羡的婚姻就要面临崩溃,杰森夫妇决定最后一搏,他们费尽心力想出一个度假疗法,说服几对欢喜冤家们前往一个热带小岛二度蜜月。异国的碧海蓝天似乎让这些中年夫妇又重拾热情,但度假村老板马塞尔(让·雷诺 Jean Reno 饰)提供的硬性课程又让他们摸不着头脑:雷人不浅的猛男瑜伽、夫妻按摩、与鲨同游真的能唤醒这些夫妻的情感,拯救他们的婚姻么?