Set in Italy in the early 1980s the film follows Nello (Claudio Bisio), the recently hired director of a newly developed work cooperative of former mental patients. After the closure of state psychiatric hospitals and asylums in Italy under the Basaglia Law many former patients were left with few resources and little hope of reintegrating into society. With the intention of actually improving the lives of his pupils, rather than just sedating them, Nello encourages them to expand their individual abilities and explore the wider world around them although, regardless of intention, there is sometimes a price to pushing boundaries too quickly. "We can do that" maintains a sometimes troubled, but ultimately unwavering faith in human nature and human potential. 主流的感动。人性的真实与虚伪。我们用废料创造一切。当世界是一个精神病院。Yes, we can!。残障与完美。就是这样一群人。废物利用是关键。穿着人性外衣的政治电影。 影片讲述了精神病人奋发自强寻找个人价值的动人故事。一个米兰商人丢掉工作后来到来到一家精神病医院工作,在那里他组织精神病人们成立一个合作社并坚定地相信他们都有自尊和自身的价值。尽管遇到了各种各样的困难,他依然鼓励每个人不断学习并能自己养活自己,找到适合自己的角色。整部片子糅合喜剧与悲剧的元素,感人至深。