Chelsea (Sasha Grey) is a high-priced $2,000-an-hour call girl in Manhattan, offering a 'girlfriend experience': she'll dress with the client in mind, go to dinner and a movie, listen attentively to talk about work and finances, and she'll provide sex. It's October, 2008: a presidential election nears and the economy is in free fall. She has a boyfriend, Chris (Chris Santos), who's a personal trainer. We are shown five non-consecutive days in Chelsea's life. She's working on her Web page, talking to image consultants, and being interviewed by a reporter. She asks clients when their birthdays are and uses that for an astrological prediction. She's drawn to a new client, a writer from L.A. Should she break her rules for him? What if it risks her relationship with Chris? Should she invest in gold? 花钱能否买来真感情?。Not A splendid time。空虚女人穿丝袜 寂寞男人打DOTA。我的收看簿:《应召女友》。这只是个工作。What kind of experience?。The surreal real life。这下子真的是Fucking life了。影评。话题女王 Sasha Grey。 切尔西(萨莎·格蕾 Sasha Grey饰),一位住在曼哈顿上城区的高级应召女郎。她能够得到每小时2000美金的高额佣金,这当然不单是为客人提供肉体上的满足,还需要陪他们出席各种晚宴,陪看电影,听他们谈论工作事业上遇到的种种问题,用心的聆听他们的心声。切尔西成功的将这些男人发展成了朋友关系。2008年10月,总统大选临近。影片聚焦切尔茜这五天的生活,记录着她平日中的日常生活和工作中的种种细节。形形色色的男人穿梭交织在切尔西的生活之中,而她的男朋友克里斯(克里斯·桑托斯 Chris Santos饰)是一位逆来顺受的私人教练。切尔西周旋在这些男人之间,身心疲惫,萌生了想放弃一切重新开始的想法。 导演史蒂文·索德伯格继成名作《性,谎言,录像带》之后,首次执导以性关系为主题的电影。