What do you get when you mix a granddaughter from an extremely rich family with crime, murder, and a passion for law and justice? Kanbe Miwako, a granddaughter of a super rich millionaire becomes a detective and starts working at a male dominant police station. Her fancy fashion, elegant manners, and upper-class attitudes constantly gets on the nerves of the old-fashioned coworkers. However, to everyone's surprise, Miwako's unique investigation lead by an ultra rich sense of value becomes the key to solve mysterious cases, one by one. 富得没边儿小姐抓坏人的故事。不要被表面迷惑。物证推理+攻心擒贼——美和子大小姐的破案守则。幽默推理日剧代表作。天马行空的辑凶法 叹为观止。5星全部给美恭好了。。一力降十会。居然为了区区五亿杀人。《富豪刑事》:荒诞物语下的残酷真相。很搞笑的刑侦片。 你见过乘坐私人飞机上班的警察么?这里就有一个。富可敌国的大财团的孙女神户美和子(深田恭子 饰)志向是成为一名警察。而她的爷爷当年发家时曾用过不当的手段致富,因此对于美和子想成为警察的想法表示很赞同。因此,美和子顺利成为了一名警察。 上任后的美和子遇到了各色案件和各色罪犯,每集都要动用上亿元日币来捕获犯人。而这笔大开销则让美和子的爷爷表示很开心。剧集里除了各色案件和轻松幽默的故事外,美和子的华丽服饰和出行的巨大排场都十分养眼,可谓故事的一大看点。