Dew, a young computer programmer, takes refuge in Chiang Mai after the murder of her best friend and roommate Ked. There, she is reunited with Ton, whom she met during her aunt's funeral, and discovers that he is the love of her life. Sadly, Ton is plagued by a brain tumor and passes away prematurely. On the day she returns home from his funeral, she discovers a letter, written by her late husband, Ton... 灵异片潜质。此情书非彼情书。我就喜欢给这种犄角旮旯的东西写评。纯爱冷门佳作。情书。再也不会让你流泪。 祖父的去世让离家多年的女子德鲁(安妮·彤帕拉松 Anne Thongprasom 饰)重新返回了久别的故乡清迈。在那里,她邂逅了名叫托恩(Attaporn Teemakorn 饰)的男子,托恩的英俊和温柔很开就虏获了德鲁的芳心,没过多久,两人便走到了一起,过上了幸福美满的生活。 然而,好景不长,厄运降临到了托恩的头上,一场意外的疾病夺走了他年轻的生命,悲痛和绝望之中,德鲁体会到了独活于世的孤独和寂寞。让德鲁没有想到的是,某日,她竟然意外的收到了一封来信,写信的不是别人,正是早已经不早认识的托恩。这一切究竟是怎么回事?难道托恩还活着吗?随着时间的推移,德鲁渐渐接近了真相。