Based on the highly successful Radio 4 series, Little Britain is a hilarious exploration of the British Isles and its curious inhabitants after a successful pilot earlier this year. The programme travels from the Scottish highlands, through Wales, the tranquil English countryside and the less tranquil council estates of Britain's inner cities, while the narrator (Tom Baker) adds his insightful and eloquent comments for those less familiar with these fair Isles 花椒变态。他们都很前卫。Little Britain里的Great Britain。什么人应该看“Little Britain”。这是一次大张旗鼓的推销。一人一句经典台词。小不列颠里的浪漫。Sebastian之《悬浮议会》。07年随手记下的对小不列颠的大大的爱。这是一部新概念英语一样的喜剧。