A young minister, a widower, is temporarily assigned to a church whose suspended pastor drove parishioners away; he stays at a hotel where he meets Jørgen, who's alone approaching middle age. Jørgen's friend Finn, a temperamental restaurant manager, may be about to be fired. Finn's assistant is Giulia, a lovely young Italian who prays for a husband. Olympia, a clumsy bakery clerk, has an ornery father; Karen, a hairdresser, has a mother who is very ill. The paths of these six characters cross at church, in the restaurant, at the hotel, and at an Italian class at the local adult school. Loneliness, grief, solace, romance, and love may meet 'nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita.' 小成本爱情喜剧。淡淡的阳光闪耀。故事梗概。永恒 我是如此渺小。自杀式现实主义。 牧师安德里听从旅馆服务生尤根的建议,参加了当地夜校开办的意大利语课程,认识了班上一位在蛋糕店工作的叫奥利皮娅的女孩,两人互相之间产生了好感。女孩原本跟父亲同住,不久后父亲过世了,刚办完父亲的丧事,她就接到奇怪的通知,要她出席从未谋面的母亲的丧礼。 在丧礼上,女孩发现镇上的女理发师凯伦原来就是她失散多年的亲姐姐。凯伦当初照顾酒精中毒的母亲,累得心力交瘁,母亲死后,她开始和一位性格火爆的餐厅经理谈起了恋爱。被餐馆开除后,这个餐厅经理转行开始做意大利语培训班的老师,而从前在饭馆当他助理的吉尤拉立即报了他的意大利语班,因为她喜欢上了尤根,想与他交往。这个培训班对这些毫无安全感的,寂寞的单身男女来说就是恋爱的圣经课。