Based on the popular video game of the same name "Mortal Kombat" tells the story of an ancient tournament where the best of the best of different Realms fight each other. The goal - ten wins to be able to legally invade the losing Realm. Outworld has so far collected nine wins against Earthrealm, so it's up to Lord Rayden and his fighters to stop Outworld from reaching the final victory... 超经典,力推。。有点意思。我喜欢的要死。没有其他要说的了。虽然特效和服化道很渣,但是基本上原汁原味地还原了游戏风味。游戏电影的一点看法。一个比较搞笑的感觉。缺乏故事情节,人物混乱。臭屎也有狗吃。