In this concept drama, each season takes place within one 24 hour period. Day 1: Jack Bauer is the head of field ops for an elite team of CTU agents who uncover an assassination plot targeting Presidential nominee David Palmer. Meanwhile, Jack's strained marriage to his wife, Teri, is pushed to the brink by the sudden disappearance of their troubled teenage daughter. What will the next 24 hours hold? 何必这么惨。[24]的核心冲突。《24小时》备忘录:黑暗骑士的不死传说。这是一个英雄连轴转的国家。BH的JB!及其国产改造设想。24小时第五季。神经被拉扯的感觉。超人的老婆真是够悲催的。杰克小强,这个神一样的男人——观反恐24小时1~5季。再看2401。