Actress Reese Holden has been offered a small fortune by a book editor if she can secure for publication the love letters that her father, a reclusive novelist, wrote to her mother, who has since passed away. Returning to Michigan, Reese finds that an ex-grad student and a would-be musician have moved in with her father, who cares more about his new friends than he does about his own health and well-being. darling,darling darling。What are afraid of ?。Passing your Winter。短暂的一生中能有几个挚爱?。just pass winter。逃避生活终无法获得平静 (转)。冬季 你愿意或厌恶 你逃避或直面。我想,真实足以打动人心。《走过冬季》:请将我从彼岸那边带回来。我们沉湎自己的伤悲。 美丽女孩瑞茜·霍尔登(佐伊·丹斯切尔 Zooey Deschanel 饰)心中怀有表演的梦想,为此她从密歇根州的老家来到大都会纽约,靠着自己的勤奋取得了些许成就。她的父亲丹(埃德·哈里斯 Ed Harries 饰)曾是一名知名作家,却因爱妻之死而将近二十年再未执笔。瑞茜 和父亲的关系颇为冷淡,父女二人分别多年几无联系。某晚,演出完毕的瑞茜迎来一位不速之客,她叫劳瑞·兰斯基(艾米·麦迪甘 Amy Madigen 饰),是一个以编书为生的女人。劳瑞对丹当年写给爱妻的情书极为感兴趣,她希望瑞茜能够提供这些情书。 虽然实现了演员的梦想,但是瑞茜仍为生计所迫。在丰厚报酬的诱惑下,她决定返回阔别七年之久的老家,却未曾想到这是一次改变人生的旅程……