An early starter in the night club business, Li Wah was a hostess at 16 and a madam at 19. Now, at the ripe old age of 29, she feels it's too early for retirement, but too late for true love. There is only room in her heart for her 16-year-old son. Born out of wedlock, and brought up in the sleazy world of porn and crime, he naturally falls in with the wrong crowd, and proves to be her ultimate undoing. 淘宝网11周年抽奖活动需要个人所得税吗。 丽华是舞厅里的“妈妈生”,与经理阿张日久生情,但丽华若即若离的行为又时常让阿张苦恼。丽华与私生子家豪的关系越来越恶劣,直至欢场女子玲子的出现,才缓解了母子间的紧张关系。黑社会成员花胶急欲拉拢家豪,丽华生怕儿子误入歧途,亲自前往花胶处领回儿子,为此,家豪极为不满。舞女唐琪因患绝症而自杀,令丽华痛苦万分。此时,家豪才番然醒悟到情与义的可贵,并了解到了母亲“一日为妓,终生为妓”的痛苦与彷徨……