Alfred J. Kwak is the son of Johan Sebastian and Anna Kwak. When their beloved home is disturbed by the development of a new theme park, his parents are forced to move (along with all of their children). When the family is on their way to the farm of an uncle of a very good friend, Henk de Mol, Alfred's parents and all of his siblings are the victims of a tragic car accident. Henk de Mol takes upon him the task of raising the little duck as he was his own son. In the years to come, Alfred experiences a lot of adventures. 阿尔佛雷德!。那时候的经典之一。 勇敢调皮的小鸭阿卢布莱德·安德里斯库在出生前,就是个幸运儿。命大的它经历了各种危险才来到这个世上。它们的家被开发商建游乐园占领了,被迫在大雨天搬家的途中,全家不幸被车撞死,只有阿卢布莱德一人活了下来,从此它和爸爸的好朋友鼹鼠汗库一起生活。汗库爸爸非常疼爱阿卢布莱德,尽职尽责的抚养着它。但是阿卢布莱德却有个野心勃勃的同学乌鸦道鲁夫,阴险的道鲁夫一直跟阿卢布莱德作对,并取笑它是鼹鼠的儿子。道鲁夫一直妄想统治世界,是个战争狂热份子。阿卢布莱德能否看穿道鲁夫的阴谋呢......