Simon Birch tells the story of Joe and Simon's heart-warming journey of friendship. Simon Birch was born with a condition that makes him much smaller than all the other kids in town. Now, due to his condition, Simon thinks God made him this way for a reason and highly believes in God. Together, Joe and Simon go on a journey of trust and friendship to find the answers to many things. Their friendship is put to the test when some unfortunate events happen. zz摇篮里的猫 发表于:2005-10-14 13:46:30。上帝之子。很感人。谁的使命。存在的意义。一路上有你,不离不弃。Think God。很打动人。。。。simon birch 感动了我。一路上有你。 在所有人的眼里,西蒙(Ian Michael Smith 饰)是一个奇迹,刚刚出生的只有拳头一般大的他当即被医生判了死刑,可捏着这张死亡通知单,西蒙神奇的从嗷嗷待哺的婴孩成长为了12岁的少年。虽然西蒙矮小的身材常常遭到周遭伙伴的歧视和嘲笑,但他依然保有了一颗善良和真诚的内心。 作为西蒙的好友,乔(约瑟夫·梅泽罗 Joseph Mazzello 饰)有一个一直困扰着他的烦恼,成长于单亲家庭的他十分渴望能够得知父亲的下落。一次可怕的意外让乔永远的失去了母亲,而这整件事的始作俑者竟然是西蒙。怀着对乔的内疚,西蒙决定带着乔,踏上了寻找父亲的旅程,同时,西蒙坚强又脆弱的生命也渐渐的走向了尽头。