To amuse themselves at a weekly dinner, a few well-heeled folk each bring a dimwit along who is to talk about his pastime. Each member seeks to introduce a champion dumbbell. Pierre, an avid participant of the game, runs into one problem after another that devilishly compromises his secrets, turning the tables on him and his objective, which diverges as the movie progresses. Firstly, wishing to be certain he has selected a winner, he invited his guest, Mr. Pignon, to meet him at home before setting off; but night of all nights, Pierre has put his back out and it is questionable whether he can manage to get to the dinner. The blundering Mr. Pignon will continually spring forward to help relieve Pierre of his troubles, which have drastically compounded, pointing in the direction of friends, taxes and women, and Pierre's dimwit Pignon accordingly will prove his substance to the end. 和法国佬聊此片,等同于和中国人聊大话西游。被夸张了的傻。要想聪明伶俐,什么都不吃亏简直太累了。为啥现在才想到看这部片..。当你把一个人当傻瓜的时候,请三思而后行。很好。愚人不成反愚己。为啥现在才想到看这部片..。优秀的喜剧应该是这样的。好看。 一班自命不凡、高人一等的狐朋狗友,相约星期三晚举行“白痴晚宴”。规则非常简单,即是各人只须携一名“白痴之最”共赴晚餐,便能获得丰富奖品。参与者之一皮埃尔(蒂埃里·莱尔米特 Thierry Lhermitte饰)打算带着新认识的皮侬(雅克·维列雷 Jacques Villeret饰)赴宴。皮埃尔本以为这个看似傻里傻气的皮侬,一定是最佳人选。然而他的如意算盘却完全落空,皮侬把关系颠倒了过来,反而让皮埃尔变成了被整的对象。于是,一场笑料百出的乌龙事情接踵发生。 这部由法兰西斯·威柏编剧执导的喜剧电影《晚餐游戏》,改编自他写于1993年的舞台剧《假凤虚凰》。一波三折的喜剧情节和极具颠覆性的疯狂笑料,使得本片叫好又叫座。一举拿下1999年第24届凯撒奖,最佳男演员、最佳男配角和最佳剧本(原创或改编)大奖。