Jack Lawrence is a smart aleck lawyer who is one day visited by an ex-girlfriend who tells him her kid was his. Enter Dale Putley, a depressed goofball who is also a writer, meets with the same ex-girlfriend who tells him her kid is his. One day Jack and Dale meet and discover what had happened: they've been told the same story and now there's a question of who the real father is. They learn their son is following a rock band called Sugar Ray around. So Jack and Dale hit the road to Sacramento and find their drunk, love-struck son. Soon after they bring him back to their hotel room, their son escapes and Jack and Dale must use teamwork to find him again, bring him home, and find out which one of them is the real father. 亲情在前 温饱在后(看电影后的非影评)。 卡丽女士年轻时与戴尔和杰克都曾有过短暂的恋情,所以,当她的儿子离家出走后,她头一个寻求帮助的是杰克,因为她相信杰克是儿子斯科特的生身父亲。杰克认为卡丽言之无据,拒绝了卡丽的请求。于是,卡丽再去找戴尔。让其提供帮助的理由与向杰克提出的一样。戴尔一听可乐坏了,立刻答应去找斯科特。这时杰克也沉不住气,于是两位“父亲"各自从自己所住的城市出发,开始了寻找“儿子"的旅途,两条线终于在一个特定的点交叉了。两位男主演都是好莱坞著名喜剧明星,这次合作实现了他们长久以来的愿望,并使他们各有特色的喜剧才华得到相得益彰的发挥。