Young Jackie was intrigued by Kung-Fu since an early age, but his father strictly forbade its practice. One day, he meets an old beggar who offers to teach Jackie how to fight. Jackie grows up to be quite good though he keeps his knowledge a secret until he is forced to fight by an extortion ring that's putting the squeeze on his uncle's restaurant. 十七岁。 龙自小便醉心武术,但由于不能支付学费,只好从旁偷学。其间,巧遇一位武功高强的老叫花,并拜他为师,苦练武功。十年寒暑,龙已经练得一身好武功,并经常路见不平,行侠仗义。其中一次,与一流氓结怨。后来,那流氓找其师父出头,怎料其师父正是龙之杀父仇人。