During the Ming Dynasty four orphans; Ying, Sao, Yuanlong and Niehu are raised in Taoyuan Village and become close to being brothers. Their exceptional martial arts skills allows them to reach the highest rank within the imperial guards. After a successful attempt to kill a Japanese troop leader, the Emperor orders Ying to escort the Golden Wheel of Time from Sindu back to the capital, which is said to have the power of time travel and foresee into the future. From the correspondence between Japanese and Ming officials seized from the mission, Mr. Tu - the Chief of National Defence - reveals that he can identify the traitor by the handwritings. On the way of escorting the Golden Wheel of Time in the snow, Ying is surprisingly confronted by Sao, Yuanlong and Niehu. They inform Ying the news of the murder of Tu's family with Ying as the killer. The Emperor believes that Ying killed Tu in order to conceal his identity as the traitor, and orders to have Ying and his clan killed. With the Trio sent out to catch Ying, a separate troop is sent to Taoyuan to kill the villagers. From the evidence presented to Ying, he comes to the conclusion that the traitor has to be one of the trio and also the one behind the ruthless killing. Desperate to save the Taoyuan villagers, Ying chooses to fight his way out. The intensity of the duel has shaken the earth causing an avalanche that buries the four during the heat of battle. Now in 2013, Squire Tang, funded by a mysterious financer, digs up Ying, Sao and Niehu. As he is transferring the icemen to Hong Kong for further studies, the vehicle is involved in a traffic accident which, unexpectedly, defrosts Ying. Frozen for 400 years arriving to modern day Hong Kong, Ying accidentally meets an intoxicated woman named May on Halloween evening, who later gives him shelter. With his intelligence and hard-work, Ying soon becomes more familiar with the idea of modern society with the help of the internet. While adapting to his new life, Ying and May also gradually starts to fall for each other. Ying still never forgets about the injustice that framed him. He comes across a historical record on the internet stating that he plotted a revolt which branded him with the reputation of a traitor in history. However, there is no information regarding the fate of the villagers. For Ying to correct history, he must use the Golden Wheel of Time. However, Sao and Niehu are now also reanimated at present time. They continue to take up the chase they left behind in the past, eventually leading to several showdowns around Hong Kong. 你们就糟蹋王宝强吧。烂片之楷模,骗钱之标杆——《冰封:重生之门》杂谈。下次谁带我去看甄子丹王宝强的电影,我就戳瞎他的双眼。。国产圈钱烂片编年史。子丹哥为啥超越不了成龙,就是这个世界的错。冰碎一地是节操。垃圾中的战斗机。整部电影就为了大阳具linga之争,东拉西扯凑足85分钟,,。坑爹的3D效果。。剧情空洞。。看哭了...好烂好烂的电影,真特么浪费钱...。 明朝嘉靖末年,锦衣卫贺英(甄子丹 饰)奉命从天竺运回无价之宝“时空金球”,他一心为朝廷却不想遭到了兄弟的突袭。老大元龙(任达华 饰)带着聂虎(喻亢 饰)、萨獒(王宝强 饰)前来捉拿,为的是一宗针对贺英的冤案。兄弟四人搏斗之时突然地动山摇,巨大的雪崩淹没了他们。可是醒来后,贺英发现自己居然已经到了400年后的香港,对现代社会一窍不通的他偶遇了夜店咖小美(黄圣依 饰),闹出了不少笑话,但在小美的帮助下贺英学会了使用高科技产品,逐渐变成了都市型男。正在二人感情升华的时候,“锦衣卫三人组”也穿越到了现代并且继续执行自己的使命,与此同时不明真相的警方也在捉拿贺英这个“特异功能”人士,贺英遭遇到了400年来最大的挑战。 本片改编翻拍自1989年元彪、张曼玉、元华主演,霍耀良导演的影片《急冻奇侠》。是王宝强第一次演出武侠功夫片。