Max and Eddie are stoner snowboarders living the life of rock stars. But all the photo shoots, video stardom, and parties are threatening the will of their snowboarding team. Their nemesis Kingsley Brown (Tom Green) and his sidekick Spinks attempt to throw a wrench into the works for Max & Eddie's riders, but this time they have even more tricks up their sleeves. Max和Eddie最终实现了他们的梦想,管理了一家滑雪俱乐部,并取得了成功。但渐渐地他们开始热衷于各种活动,开晚会。现在滑雪队取得了不少成绩,他们两人也是财源滚滚。但有时候人往往会失去自我,不懂得重视最重要的东西。终于有一天,他们意识到有失去一切的可能性,两个家伙决定努力让他们的滑雪队重上山顶