A detective pushed beyond his limits will stop at nothing for vengeance. When his wife is killed by a criminal that he put away, Mason, a hard-nosed detective, deliberately gets arrested in order to get revenge. While inside, Mason discovers a new criminal enterprise that those behind it would kill to protect. 怪客。 影片介绍:影片讲述了一名警察无视法律的界线,不择手段为爱妻复仇的故事。一名被梅森(迪恩·凯恩)送去坐牢的罪犯,派人杀害了他的妻子。梅森故意犯法,为的是进监狱接近他的仇人。在监狱中,梅森发现了一个新型的犯罪组织,这个组织为了保全自身利益无恶不作.....