In 1989, in the east of Texas, Ann Dane overhears a noise during the night and awakes her husband Richard Dane. He picks up his gun and stumbles with a burglar in the living room and accidentally shoots and kills the intruder. He is identified by the police as the wanted criminal Freddy Russell, but Richard is affected by the incident. Richard goes to the cemetery to see Freddy's burial and his father Ben Russell, who is also a criminal on parole, talks to Richard and asks for his son. Richard brings his son from the school and meets his wife at the police station, but the police inspector Ray Price cannot do anything to help him. Soon Richard finds that someone has broken in his house and the police officers stake out the place. However Ben breaks in the house but escapes. Ray calls Richard to tell him that Ben was arrested in Mexico and the case is closed. While leaving the station, he sees a picture of Freddy Russell and he realizes that he is not the burglar. Richard unsuccessfully calls Ray and he decides to go to the station during the night. He witnesses Ray and other officers taken Ben away in a car and leaving him on the train tracks after hitting him. Richard saves Ben and brings him to an isolated cabin that belonged to his father. After proving that the buried corpse is not Freddy, Richard teams up with Ben and his friend, the private investigator Jim Bob, to seek out Freddy and find who has been killed, and the trio is involved with a gang that makes pornographic snuff movies. 男主误杀的人在删减画面中交代了。意义的溃败。纪录片?。画风一转,速度太快。话剧还是电影?我只推崇音乐和镜头可以吗?。七月寒潮。颠覆!慎重观看此片。人的性格怎么可以变的这么快。患得患失、悲剧人生、真实人性。很不错的题材就是败笔太多。 出于自卫,理查德射杀了侵入自己家中的陌生人。但是他不得不面对死者父亲的残忍报复。然而不久,敌对双方就发现事实并不像表面展现的那么简单,他们不得不联合起来面对黑暗的真相。